Dr. Rohit Mishra
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Burn, Cosmetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Plastic and reconstructive surgeon with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry. Skilled in aesthetic and cancer, trauma and burn reconstruction surgical procedures.
Hypospadias repair , Different Cosmetic Surgery Like Rhinoplasty ,Breast Implant , Bariatric/ Weight Loss Surgery , Enlarged Male Breasts (Gynecomastia) treatment cosmetic surgery, aesthetic surgery, and surgical repair of congenital deformities and deformities caused due to accidents, trauma, etc. The surgical intervention generally involves restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of a body part to give the patient the desired look or make a body part functional, or both.
Burn, Cosmetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Mch. Burn, Cosmetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Congenital Defects :
- Cleft lip/ palate, craniofacial anomalies (Abnormal shape of skull).
- Haemangioma, vascular malformation.
- Birthmark, pigmented hairy lesions.
- Ear deformities: Absent ear, Bat ear (prominent ear).
- Finger deformities: Joined finger, Extra finger, Absent finger
- TM joint Ankylosis (Inability to open the mouth).
- Replantation of finger, hand, lower limb.
- Vascular, nerve, tendon injury.
- Hand, fingers fracture.
- Incised, laceration and avulsion injuries of face and body.
- Compound fracture of limbs with skin loss.
- Facial bone fractures with lacerated wounds.
Post burn deformity:
- Post burn Contracture neck, hand, elbow, axilla, knee.
- Hypertrophic scars, Keloids.
- Unstable scars, White patches.
Cancer Reconstruction:
- Upper and lower jaw reconstruction.
- Cheek, lip, nose ,tongue, eyelid reconstruction.
- Food pipe (pharynx reconstruction).
- Soft tissue (muscle, skin tumours) reconstruction.
- Breast (unilateral, bilateral), (partial , complete ) (primary or secondary i.e. even after many years) reconstruction.
- Chest, Abdominal wall reconstruction.
Body contouring:
- Liposuction, Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).
- Breast Augmentation (Implants), Reduction mammoplasty.
- Male Breast (Gynaecomastia).
- Body lift post weight loss.
- Fat injection (Lipofilling).
- Double chin reduction.
Facial Cosmetic surgery:
- Rhinoplasty (nose Job).
- Eyelid surgery (Saggy, baggy eyes).
- Chin Augmentation, reduction.
- Anti ageing (Botox, Fillers), thread lift.
- Laser for Scars, wrinkles, hair removal, tattoo removal, birthmark and mole removal,
- Xanthelasma removal (fat deposite near eyes).
- Hair transplant/ grafting.
- Dimple creation.
- Vitiligo/ leucoderma (white patch) treatment.
- Scar revision, expander for skin expansion.
- Split ear lobule.
- Bedsore management.
- Diabetic foot management.
- Lymphedema Management.
- Recanalisation of tubes (post tubectomy, vasectomy).
- Medical Tattooing.