Emergency Number


Opening Hours

Morning – 9.00 am – 2.00 pm
Evening – 4.00pm – 6.00 pm
Emergency Services- 24*7

Psychiatrist & Drug De-Addiction

Psychiatric disorders are common. Various studies show that 20% to 30% of patients attending a general hospital require Psychiatric help. The basis of many body symptoms could be due to continuous stress. medical concerned with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders

Some patients with physical disorders have coexisting Psychiatric disorders like anxiety and depression. It is essential to detect and treat if adequately to improve the outcome of the treatment of physical disorders and prevention of mental illness.
Specialist in managing problems like Adolescent And Child Psychiatrists, Brain Stimulation Therapy, Adolescent Psychiatrist Doctors, Stress Treatment, Bipolar Disorder Treatment, Depressive Disorder Treatment, Depression Treatment, Doctors Neuropsychiatrist, Doctors, Child Psychiatrist Doctors, Genetic Psychiatric Treatment, Mentally Retardation Treatment, Anxiety Disorder Treatment, Mental Illness Treatment, Doctors Psychiatrist Adolescent Specialist, Doctors Psychiatrist Child Specialist, Depression Treatment Centers, Brain Stimulation Treatment, Mental Retardation Treatment etc


Psychiatrist & Drug De-Addiction



Areas of Expertise

Special experience in REBT Expert in the analyzing diseases in the early stages of treatment, Highly experienced and skilled general medicine expert